Installing Oracle Database 23ai on Docker

In my previous post, I have shown how you can install Oracle Database 23ai Free in VirtualBox Box. In this post we will see the steps to configure Oracle Database 23ai Free on Docker.


Download Docker from here.


Once you have installed Docker, login to Docker. Open up a Command line window, and execute the following command.

docker pull

This should start downloading the docker image. You should see the status of the download as below. This might take a few minutes depending on you internet speed and the host computer configuration.

Once the download completes, you should see the status as completed, as shown below:

Once it is downloaded, you should be able to see the docker image under images.

Click on Run.

Run a new container window should pop-up. Provide a Container name(optional), and click Run.

Within a minute or so, you should be able to see that the database would be open in the Logs.

To check if the container is running, execute the following command in the Command line window.

docker ps

You should see the following.

Next I set the DB user passwords using the script. Type in the following command in command prompt.

docker exec -it OracleDB_23ai ./ oracle

Where OracleDB_23ai = Name of the container and oracle is the password for the sys, system users. Once successfully executed, you should see the following:

To login to the bash of the container, you the following command.

docker exec -it OracleDB_23ai /bin/bash

Once you are in the bash of the container, you can connect to sys user.

Connect to system user.

Use the following command to close the docker.

To login to the bash of the container, you the following command.

docker stop OracleDB_23ai

If you execute the docker ps command now, then you will see that there are no dockers in Active state.

Hope this helps you setting up Oracle Database 23ai Free locally on Docker. Explore the tins of new features available in 23ai. Happy learning!!!

Happy learning.
